We Have Wept

When we were just born to the world, we don't get stamped at the head with the phrase "War with Thy Neighbour!" We grew up accepting views from family, friends, politicians, and etc. Subsequently, we started to believe, at some point of time, that all of them were in fact 'the truth'.

Came across the TED video below of a man who went across the 'alleged' conflicts brought by two nations which originally shared the same foundations until the 20th Century's partition, divided by politics. A price laid by the previous generation and paid by the following generation through blood and tears.

An inspiring presentation indeed.

About the talk:
One of a dozen Pakistanis who came to TEDIndia despite security hassles entering the country, TED Fellow Asher Hasan shows photos of ordinary Pakistanis that drive home a profound message for citizens of all nations: look beyond disputes, and see the humanity we share.

Courtesy of TED.com.


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