Goodbye 2006

How did I bid farewell to the year 2006?
Spectacularly, it ended with casualty. Towards the last seconds of 2006, I got my toe wounded as a result of anxiety to see the fireworks on display at the roof in Seanz's condominium in Serdang. My toe hit the stairs while on the way to the rooftop but lucky enough, I didn't roll down along the staircase. As a conclusion, the worst has ended and now, for 2007, good year ahead!

After a couple of changes to the plan for the new year's eve, started with a plan to go countdown with Geralynn in Mandarin Oriental to Kathryn's 'near dancefloor table bookings' in Mason to lastly, a simple steamboat dinner in Tmn Yulek in Cheras. What I obviously preferred, gathering with friends at a less crowded place with good food.

What's left at the table after finished eating. Not that bad, isn't it?

Jill and Jamie with their neverending stories among both of them.

Jasmine, Gan and Uncle Seanz with his sinister laugh...

Lastly, after a hot and sweaty dinner, my hair had gone total messed up. A good picture with lovely Christine anyway. Realised that I've grown fatter again. Help, I miss working out at the gym!

After the dinner, I headed home, grabbed a bottle of Chivas which I bought during the last trip to the Philippines in the airport and brought it to Uncle Seanz's condominium where I had my last casualty of the year. As I stepped into his house, I could hear Jamie's voice from outside and there she was, with her sharing of experience and photographs during her internship in Ukraine. A couple of nice pictures shown, especially the m**********g statue. No wonder she's so eager to show the pictures she'd taken to all of us. Went to the rooftop towards the midnight, got injured, did a toast for the new year ahead and headed back down to the house again to resume Jamie's "nice" photo sharing session until about 2am. The devil queen left first, as usual, at about 1am and again, to pick up her sister. What a great sister...

Another new year's eve with fellow AIESECers and what's different this year is, it's celebrated with the young AIESEC alumni. I've already made a wish and resolutions for the year, have you?

God bless.


Anonymous said...

Thankx for the compliment =)

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