What Makes A Good Ppt Presentation?

Some tips for doing a good PowerPoint presentation. Definitely helps boost the presentation skill a little. Good one from Guy Kawasaki.


Made in Malaysia

I would have to say, 15Malaysia was a great project. Well done to P1 for the showcase. A lot of people used to ask what was my favourite video in 15Malaysia since a month ago. And my reply was always, "So far, all videos are quite good and unique in their very own ways. But if I'm to have a special pick, you would have to wait till all videos are released."

So, in this blog posting, I will share three of my personal favourite picks in 15Malaysia. One of them is none other than, "One Future". And seriously, I have no idea that Tian Chua can be real good actor (notice his facial expression which looks like those when we're going for auditions!). Nevertheless, Tian Chua is a good cast in the short movie which he possessed an amount of experience for. Afterall, he's been there, done that.

I am a fan of humour, and I definitely cannot miss this one. "Meter" which I personally congratulated Benji, Bahir and the team including Khairy Jamaluddin for the brilliant showcase. KJ can really act and he looks good as a taxi driver too. Perhaps he should seriously consider acting or driving taxis if he ever quit politics. A hillarious one below which portrays a normal daily life of a taxi driver who seem to be enthusiastic in sharing his thoughts and opinions about current issues. Watched it already?

My 3rd pick is one real graphically awesome one, "Rojak!". The fact that the movie is narrated in Tamil makes it really cool to watch. And it definitely sums up the whole ecological system of the Malaysian society (which is of course, real complicated) in a very interesting way - via Malaysians' favourite topic - food, in this case rojak. Must watch if you haven't done so and you can definitely watch it below.

Overall, Pete Teo deserves the highest credit in getting 15Malaysia a success. I am definitely keen to meet him in person sometime soon (when I supposed to meet him in a few occasions which I happened to pass). Be sure to watch all the videos in 15malaysia.com and share with me your thoughts which I will be glad to know.


Social Media Hazards

It was devastating to know that one of the friends decided to damage his credibility in the social media when his job is to help certain parties to run their social media plans.

After the whole incident, it really does prove that social media really transmit messages and news faster than ever. The platform of the medium can be personal but the information can really reach the public in seconds. If one is too into it, without knowing the potential consequences, the effect can really be dangerous. Which is why, parents will still have to keep an eye on their children and their involvement in the social media.

One story that still stick in my head is about a story of a teenage girl whose parents' were out of town for couple of days. The moment she knows about it, she updated her one of the many social media's status with the statement of "my parents are AWAY for the weekend. Let's party tonight, my HOUSE!". And we all know that a teenage girl's group of friends in the network may not only consist "real" friends. Imagine the status update is transmitted to the network. With a click, as a friend, I will be able to access the personal information and there we go - address and telephone numbers. What potential danger does it lead to?

Social media may not be able to solve personal problems but it may open doors to many viable solutions. Otherwise, it may potentially jeopardise one's reputation for being a whiner. Therefore, my take from the usage of social media are:
1. Do not simply leave personal information to public. And only ensure the person we trust to be able to access our personal portal.
2. Do not rely to social media for medicine for the soul. Sometimes, it is good to call someone and talk over the phone. Humans are emotional being and voice affects emotions.
3. Do not recklessly insult and belittle somebody else over social media. I.e. Twitter, Facebook
. People just see and notice conversations. Of course, it doesn't spoil the image of others, but it makes the person who wrote the messages looks dumb. And I definitely do not want it to happen to a friend.
4. Do not rant recklessly. There are just some things we can't write and we are definitely not KINGs in cyberspace. Recently noticed a junior of mine in high school who is extremely critical of the Malaysian government. Nothing's wrong with it but we have to watch what we say. I think
cyberspace is like Twilight Zone, we may do everything we like but we will never know that "somebody's watching".

So use social media as an outlet for creativity and network. Do not misuse it as a ranting place for sensitive issues. Sensitive issues are for suitable channels and social media isn't one of them.

The Revival

It is time of the year again, when I attempt to put things in place once more. This time it's gotta do with blogs. I used to own 3 blogs namely, "melvinchan.blogspot.com", "melvinchanwh.blogspot.com" and "iammelvinchanwh.blogspot.com". This blog, "melvinchan.blogspot.com" has been the outlet of sharing and it records the growing-up process of myself, with the 1st post dated back to 2005.

"melvinchanwh.blogspot.com" was created to share articles and write-ups on personal development and entrepreneurship issues affecting Malaysian individuals. Then, the blog went haywired which then paved way for the creation of "iammelvinchanwh.blogspot.com". Subsequently, "melvinchanwh.blogspot.com" was deleted recently.

After much considerations, I have decided to maintain only ONE blog. 1 blog for all and it will be sole and collective voices of me in different areas, which saves me from a lot of hassle, to think about it. And this also marks the start of the revival of "melvinchan.blogspot.com" after being "post-less" for many months now.

Anyway, there you go. If I would ask you to come back again soon for the next post anytime this week, please do. :)

Cheers and God bless.
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