背叛 - 曹格 Bei Pan (Betrayal) - Gary Cao Ge

雨 不停落下來
Yu bu ting luo xia lai
Rain falls continuously

花 怎麼都不開
Hua ze me dou bu kai
Why doesn't the flower bloom?

儘管我細心灌溉 你說不愛就不愛
Jin guan wo xi xing guan gai ni shuo bu ai jiu bu ai
Despite my careful watering you just say you won't love and don't love

我一個人 欣賞悲哀
Wo yi ge ren xin shang bei ai
I watch and appreciate the sorrow alone

愛 只剩下無奈
Ai zhi sheng xia wu nai
Love is left with only helplessness

我 一直不願再去猜
Wo yi zhi bu yuan zai qu cai
I kept refusing to guess

鋼琴上黑鍵之間 永遠都夾著空白
Gang qin shang hei jian zhi jian yong yuan dou jia zhe kong bai
White emptiness will always fill the gap  between the black keys of the piano

缺了一塊 就不精采
Que le yi kuai jiu bu jing cai
Missing a piece it can never be exciting

* 緊緊相依的心如何Say Goodbye
Jin jin xiang yi de xin ru he Say Goodbye
How can two hearts that rely on one another say goodbye

Ni bi wo qing chu hai yao wo shuo ming bai
You know better than I do, yet you still want me to say it

Ai tai shen hui rang ren feng kuang de yong gan
Loving so deeply can make people crazily courageous

 我用背叛自己 完成你的期盼
 Wo yong bei pan zi ji wan chenni de qi dai
 I betray myself to reach your expectations

 把手放開不問一句Say Goodbye
 Ba shou fang kai bu wen yi ju Say Goodbye
 Letting go, not asking anything, and say goodbye

 Dang zuo zui hou yi ci dui ni de ni ai
 Let it be the last indulgence I give you

 Leng leng qing qing dan dan jin hou dou bu guan
 Coldly, drearily, mildly (I) will no longer watch (over you)

 Zhi yao ni neng yu kuai
 As long as you can be happy *

心 有一句感慨
Xin you yi ju gan kai
(My) heart has only one regret

我 還能夠跟誰對白
Wo hai neng gou gen shui dui bai
Who can I still ask to

在你關上門之前 替我再回頭看看
Zai ni guan shang men zhi qian ti wo zai hui tou kan kan
Before you close the door look back again for me

那些片段 還在不在
Na xie pian duan hai zai bu zai
to see if (our) snippets are still there

Repeat *

Courtesy of : Ling - www.jay-chou.net


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