I Watched Indy!

Lucky me. I was one of the many first people on Earth to get to view Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of The Crystal Skull before the official screening.

Okla. Well, I was one of the viewers during the media screening in Mid Valley today. The movie was quite fun, to be honest, equipped with actions throughout the whole 2-hour show.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of The Crystal Skull is a show where it's about Jones vs Cold War Russians and concluded with the aliens(?) got rid of the villains. Which means, it got to the typical and common Lucas and Spielberg subject. (Remember E.T. and Star Wars?)

Came with it was a bit of psychic affairs (the actual word should be paranormal as it involves aliens and psychics) By the way, the crystal skull was in fact, the head of an alien! But it looked seriously fake, very much like a plastic than a crystal with flashing lights. Well, I'm not going to review much about the movie here as I'll rather leave some room for anxiety towards this movie to you guys. Don't want to take the suspense out of a good movie like this.

The best thing about the screening was... there wasn't any viewers who left the cinema before the show ended and it's seriously quite a good thing. (...where generally, in most media screening, there'll be at least ONE who leaves the cinema before it ends)

Besides that, I'm quite sure that the movie was actually hinting that there would be another sequel coming our way.

I would recommend this movie to everyone who wishes to have a good time-out with family members.

Rating: 4/5



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