Independent What?

Establishment of Proposed Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission?

I bet the commission will be overloaded with work(complaints) and too much of them! The idea of (optimally, 60%) police being transparent and clean? It makes me want to laugh so hard and at the same time, feeling sick with that statement. The pigs are definitely much cleaner than these retards.

One specific, obvious area, for me, in the police force that is way too f**k**g corrupted that I think there's no way of turning it back around or any opportunity to be corrected is our needless 'Polis Trafik'. The only deed I ever appreciate from the traffic policemen is having those younger ones controlling the traffic at peak and busiest times.

Talking about clean road blocks? Oh, please! Stop me from laughing even harder. It's so sickening to think that they're being trained to talk too much when doing blocks... Come on, just check whatever that's necessary and if any rules or law are violated, just issue the damn summon. Just stop fishing for the ringgits in everyone's wallet. I think these retards can be better salesmen (Oh yeah, it reminded me of one direct-selling company with quite a number of ex-policemen or policemen in the network and worst of all, they think they can 'fight' really well too by intimidating other people or companies like gangsters - I give them a big "L" on my forehead! F*** Off!)

For my recent experience being involved in the accident in early May, (I've so promised myself that I'm going to review your f****ng name in my blog!) one of the many retards, this Rais guy, a don't-know-where-you-learn-driving 'sarjan' from the Serdang/Sri Kembangan traffic police station had arguably questioned my driving technique after being rammed from the back?! I was so gonna tell him straight in the face when I was in his room that he could go back to the jungle and stay with the monyet for not having basic common sense! Of course I didn't coz if I did, I'll never make it to my next plan (friends were waiting for me to go to PD outside the room) instead I'll just sit there and make a big fuss, just like the retard (and of course, I'm not a retard! Lol).

Later in the afternoon on the same day, the workshop people gave me a ring and said that they had "settled" already. And guess what, he asked for money?! And eventually they paid him in order for him to issue a summon to the other party so that I could claim on 3rd party? Is this necessary? Isn't it obvious that there's no need for that? F*** him for creating a mess for me when I really had to rush to somewhere!

If you ask me who will be the first in my mind that I'm going to get rid of if let's say I'm given an opportunity to be in the commission, it would definitely be no other than.....

.....Tan Sri Musa Hassan! Failed his job terribly and perhaps, may even be involved in corruption? Who knows?



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