Alcohol, My Friend

Since Jayden was so skeptical about whether I could walk the talk for achieving my fitness target, I've since invited him to join me along the fitness ring. But I doubt so he'll have time for work out. Apprarently, his reaction towards my earlier post on 'Lose Fat Pleaaseee!' was "OMG!". *Sweat*

To Jayden, better work some of your muscles and don't keep your fitness level low - there's definitely a reason for us to call you Uncle Soo. Lol!

I realised that alcohol did a great job to one's health too (if it's not over-consumed or otherwise, it'll leave a 3-month bulge at the belly). I was feeling tired easily and although I started exercising regularly, I couldn't feel myself at the peak of fitness as I felt tired oftenly. So, I had my none other than my favourite bottle in room - the Chivas Regal whiskey. Hell yeah!

It feels great. It might be misleading to some of the experts but seriously, I felt better. I no longer wake up with sleepy eyes in the morning. It feels like I'm always ready for the go. And I'm so pretty darn sure, alcohol is playing a part here.

After this, I should try with a glass of red wine. As the experts reported, a glass a day really does increase antioxidants in the body to prevent cancerous cell growth. Afterall, I need to make sure my body is in most top condition.



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