I've Joined The Force?

I think so...

It's somewhere in the galaxy far far away in the World Wide Web that I've encountered the AMBP, the Force. How was I to know, it's a database of human bloggers registered to the STAR online.

What do I get from being part of the force?

Seriously, I don't really know. Probably some free movie screening invites, coffee or scoial outings which I think will be fun. We'll see.

Registration was easy as I'm a Star Online member. And now I hope I'll get more when I've registered my blog.

Blog Submission

Thank you for your entry. Your blog will be reviewed and added to the directory as soon as humanly possible.

While waiting, Padawan, why don't you add one of our buttons to your blog, y'know to confirm that you are now part of the er, Force. ;-)


And I'm officially an AMBP member.



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